[Spring Workshop 2023] Managing the Panic, Highlighting the Opportunities: Generative AI workshops for faculty

Thursday June 1, 2:45 – 3:30

Session Description

Generative AI, and ChatGPT in particular, is a huge concern for faculty at most institutions, including ours. Starting in January, Langara’s Educational Technology Department (EdTech), Teaching and Curriculum Development Centre (TCDC), and Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Office (SCAI) started receiving separate requests for support, information, and training in connection with ChatGPT. In response, we’ve joined forces and together are offering bespoke workshops for requesting departments. These interactive workshops cover both general background (e.g. a primer on generative AI) and each department’s specific needs (e.g. how their assessments might embrace or be negatively impacted by AI). Feedback, so far, is that these workshops are helping departments start an ongoing conversation about generative AI and take steps to respond to it. However, keeping our workshops current with the recent rapid developments in this field, and tailoring each workshop to a department’s particular needs, can be challenging. In this presentation, we’ll reflect on what’s working well and what obstacles we’ve encountered as we try to support faculty response to generative AI. We’d also like to invite participants to share how they are responding to AI tools, including how they are supporting faculty at their institutions and what support gaps still exist. We’d also like to hear participants’ thoughts on how we can continue to have open, informative and nuanced discussions with our students, our peers and senior leadership about the role of AI in higher education.

Recording and Materials

Files and links.