[Spring Workshop 2023] From DX to AI: Developing digital wisdom to respond to the shifting landscape of Higher Educaiton

Friday June 2, 1:10 – 1:20

Session Description

What does digital wisdom look like for an institution? We will share some of the approaches that, as faculty developers, librarians, instructional designers and writing professors, have strengthened our institutional capacity to engage with emerging opportunities and challenges. Our presentation will explore the different approaches, what we have achieved, and the questions and confidence we have as we engage with creative AI tools.

A series of initially independent efforts in faculty development, student support, and institutional initiatives are coalescing under what we’re framing as digital wisdom. Efforts in faculty development have included workshops on backwards design and on AI writing tools, efforts in student support have including rethinking writing support as a more comprehensive research, reading, and writing studio, securing grant funding for writing around AI, providing grant funding to create OER, wider efforts around digital transformation, and thinking about how to expand from information literacy to digital literacy in a reform of the general education curriculum.

These efforts have encouraged resiliency and a thoughtful approach to pedagogy. In this context, these are some of the AI-focused questions we are wrestling with:

  • What does our community need? What would negatively impact our community?
  • If a large percentage of our faculty are concerned about AI writing, is it better to switch off Turnitin’s AI detector or leave it on and develop faculty awareness about the challenges it poses?
  • How do we help faculty become more familiar with new technologies and their impact?
  • How do we best recenter the conversation on pedagogy and relationship more than detection and prevention?
  • Amidst many pressing institutional concerns (equity and enrollment) and uncertainties, how much faculty bandwidth can take up with this conversation?

Recording and Materials

Files and links.


