[Fall Workshop 2024] Protecting Students from AI with Algorithmic Impact Assessments

Friday, November 1 (1:30-2:00)


  • Ian Linkletter is an Emerging Technology and Open Education Librarian at the British Columbia Institute of Technology

Session Description

We’ve all seen it, especially this year. AI is trying harder than ever to get into our ed tech. Recently, the Information and Privacy Commisioner in Ontario concluded that McMaster University’s implementation of AI proctoring and lockdown browser was not compliant with FIPPA. It was recommended that McMaster conduct Algorithmic Impact Assessments to protect students from the harms of AI.

What’s an Algorithmic Impact Assessment? Like a Privacy Impact Assessment, it’s a process to assess, minimize and prevent harm. Together, they can protect students from AI.

The Government of Canada tool has launched an Algorithmic Impact Assessment tool. In this session, we will get hands-on with it and discuss how we can implement Algorithmic Impact Assessments at our own institutions.

Session Recording

Session Materials and Files


