[Fall Workshop 2023] The Evolving EdTech User – Schedule
Registration is now live! Click here to register. Time Session 9:30 – 9:35 Welcome, Land Acknowledgement 9:35 – 9:55 Youdan Zhang & Oleg Lungu | Student Learning Experience During the Covid 19 Pandemic – Implications for Learning Design As we leave the COVID-19 pandemic behind, studying student experiences during that special period will help us learn…
[Fall Workshop 2023] Leveraging Virtual Production to Enhance Student Learning
Friday November 10, 2:40 – 3:10 Session Description In this presentation, we conduct an in-depth exploration of our work in digital media technologies, specifically our recent virtual production work which was used to teach waveguides in electrical and computer engineering. Discover and understand how these innovations lead to elevated student engagement and reshape how educational…
[Fall Workshop 2023] Unlock the Potential of Markdown: Instantly turn Markdown files into shareable web pages with Docsify-This
Friday November 10, 2:15 – 2:30 Session Description In this session Paul Hibbitts will give a slides-free overview of his new open source project that aims to significantly lower the barriers of entry to leveraging Markdown publishing. With Docsify-This you can instantly turn any publicly available Markdown file into a responsive web page that can…
[Fall Workshop 2023] Microsoft Forms: A live polling demonstration
Friday November 10, 2:00 – 2:15 Session Description I am hoping to do a brief demonstration of how Microsoft Forms can be used as an alternative to Slido/Mentimeter as a live polling option in-person, online, or in a hybrid environment. Participants will engage with two to three different Microsoft Forms questions to showcase how they…
[Fall Workshop 2023] Next-Gen LMS: Enhancing tools for ungrading, self-regulation and social learning dynamics
Friday November 10, 1:00 – 2:00 Session Description In the evolving landscape of education, there is a growing recognition of the need to shift away from traditional grading systems that emphasize outcome over process towards a more holistic approach that prioritizes learning, feedback, and growth. This concept, known as ‘Ungrading,’ involves creating opportunities for students…
[Fall Workshop 2023] Reading Lists: A welcome addition to our LMS
Friday November 10, 11:00 – 12:00 Session Description In the Summer 2023 semester, Langara launched Reading Lists for all courses. Adoption of the tool was initiated by the Library and supported by the Educational Technology department. With Reading Lists, instructors can create and manage reading lists of online and physical resources. In this presentation, Lindsay…
[Fall Workshop 2023] Creating Alt Text with Generative AI
Friday November 10, 10:25 – 10:40 Session Description With many ethical concerns including bias, misinformation, environmental impact, working conditions of AI labourers, and copyright, a question many are asking is: can AI contribute to education as a social good? This demo will show how ChatGPT’s new “Vision” functionality is being used at BCIT to create…
[Fall Workshop 2023] Accessibility of AI Interfaces
Friday November 10, 10:10 – 10:25 Session Description The accessibility and usability of AI tools has been largely ignored. New research shows there is yet another reason to urge caution about using and recommending these tools. Luke McKnight, assistive technologist at Langara, will walk through the findings of his research into the accessibility of AI…
[Fall Workshop 2023] Update on the Digital Learning Strategy
Friday November 10, 2:00 – 2:20 Session Description Ben will provide an update on the Digital Learning Strategy.
[Fall Workshop 2023] Student Learning Experience During the Covid 19 Pandemic: Implications for Learning Design
Friday November 10, 9:35 – 10:00 Session Description As we leave the COVID-19 pandemic behind, studying student experiences during that special period will help us learn what course design approaches and teaching strategies improve students’ online learning. This study reports on the survey results of 351 students at a polytechnic institute in Canada. The questionnaire…
[Fall Workshop 2023] Supporting Accessibility Improvements: An intentional and staggered approach
Friday November 10, 3:10 – 3:40 Session Description Langara’s EdTech department has been identified as a primary resource for supporting accessibility improvements to teaching and learning at Langara College. In this short session, Briana Fraser and Luke McKnight will outline the intentional and staggered approach adopted by the department as an example other institutions and…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Supporting and Increasing Accessibility in Video
Friday June 2, 1:30 – 2:15 Session Description In some ways it’s never been easier to make video more accessible. At the same time there are new challenges, as we learn more about the variety of barriers that learners experience with media. Captions, ASL, descriptive video… as producers of educational media, navigating the landscape of…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Campus Wide Collaboration for Accessible and Inclusive Design
Friday June 2, 2:25 – 2:45 Session Description UBC is striving to foster a sense of belonging and promote equity and social justice for all members of the community by prioritizing inclusion and accessibility through a variety of initiatives. One of these initiatives is Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Fellows Program. This initiative is funded…
[Spring Workshop 2023] LMS Accessibility Orientation
Friday June 2, 3:05 – 3:25 Session Description Students are expected to master a deluge of technology and software when they begin a new academic journey. When students use assistive technology, there can be additional barriers and a rapid increase in the learning curve for those platforms. At Langara, we found some students using assistive…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Supporting Students’ Well-Being when Learning with AI
Friday June 2, 11:15 – 12:00 Session Description We are all immersed in technology for our social, personal, learning and working needs. Even though general well-being has received attention across higher education due to its inseparable connection to learning, many educators still struggle to have a comprehensive wellness curriculum to help students navigate digital spaces…