[Spring Workshop 2023] Recordings & Playlist
ETUG’s Digital Literacy in Post-Secondary Education workshop is done, but you can binge all the recordings on this playlist embedded here or on the BCcampus Kaltura, or see the individual recordings and accompanying resources from the linked session titles in the Workshop Schedule.
[Spring Workshop 2023] Supporting Students’ Well-Being when Learning with AI
Friday June 2, 11:15 – 12:00 Session Description We are all immersed in technology for our social, personal, learning and working needs. Even though general well-being has received attention across higher education due to its inseparable connection to learning, many educators still struggle to have a comprehensive wellness curriculum to help students navigate digital spaces…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Risks, Realities, and Ruminations on the Probalistic Web
Friday June 2, 1:00 – 1:10 Session Description Current AI tools use large language models (LLM) to create original text, using probability to build it word-by-word. What does this mean for determining if something is real? If AI output is based on how often words are found together in the resources the tool has trained…
[Spring Workshop 2023] From DX to AI: Developing digital wisdom to respond to the shifting landscape of Higher Educaiton
Friday June 2, 1:10 – 1:20 Session Description What does digital wisdom look like for an institution? We will share some of the approaches that, as faculty developers, librarians, instructional designers and writing professors, have strengthened our institutional capacity to engage with emerging opportunities and challenges. Our presentation will explore the different approaches, what we…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Supporting and Increasing Accessibility in Video
Friday June 2, 1:30 – 2:15 Session Description In some ways it’s never been easier to make video more accessible. At the same time there are new challenges, as we learn more about the variety of barriers that learners experience with media. Captions, ASL, descriptive video… as producers of educational media, navigating the landscape of…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Campus Wide Collaboration for Accessible and Inclusive Design
Friday June 2, 2:25 – 2:45 Session Description UBC is striving to foster a sense of belonging and promote equity and social justice for all members of the community by prioritizing inclusion and accessibility through a variety of initiatives. One of these initiatives is Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Fellows Program. This initiative is funded…
[Spring Workshop 2023] LMS Accessibility Orientation
Friday June 2, 3:05 – 3:25 Session Description Students are expected to master a deluge of technology and software when they begin a new academic journey. When students use assistive technology, there can be additional barriers and a rapid increase in the learning curve for those platforms. At Langara, we found some students using assistive…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Navigating Change and “Normalcy” in Online Learning
Thursday June 1, 3:40 – 4:00 Session Description This presentation will be a summary of a research project on VCC students’ perspectives on academic integrity, alternative assessments, and stress management. A summary of data will be shown based on a survey of 181 VCC students in February 2023. Highlights will include a discussion of changes…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Evolving Considerations for Experiential Learning Design in Digital Environments
Thursday June 1, 4:10 – 4:30 Session Description The Justice Institute of BC (JIBC) has had a long history with Experiential Learning, from its scenario-based learning activities all the way to full-scale multi-agency simulations. As stated in our most recent strategic plan, “our curriculum emphasizes real world hands-on experiential learning in training that has an…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Beyond the ePortfolio: Enhancing digital literacy with Pebblepad
Friday June 2, 2:00 – 2:20 Session Description Digital literacy has become a critical skill for students to succeed in the digital age. As educators, we must ensure that we equip our students with the necessary digital literacy skills. The use of technology such as Pebblepad can aid in the integration and development of digital…
[Spring Workshop 2023] ChatGPT: Foe, friend, or paradigm-shifting challenge
Friday June 2, 9:40 – 10:25 Session Description Technological innovation comes in 3 flavours: catastrophic (the sky is falling!); sustaining (helps us do what we’ve always done, but better); or disruptive (what doesn’t kill us can make us stronger). Education articles about ChatGPT generally take the first 2 perspectives. Many warn that cheaters will prosper…
[Spring Workshop 2023] DIY Toolkit for Digital Literacy
Thursday June 1, 9:55 – 10:40 Session Description In response to requests from faculty interested in how best to use emerging technologies in their classroom, Jessica started to build a Digital Literacy toolkit. Anwen was subsequently invited to collaborate on expanding the toolkit. The result is a toolkit that supports higher educators to facilitate conversations…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Celebrating the Whole Student: Using ePortfolios to create meaningful learning experiences and authentically assess learning
Thursday June 1, 11:40 – 12:00 Session Description ePortfolios are digital collections of learning artifacts created by students for their courses. Though seemingly a simplistic activity, the supported practice of folio-thinking, namely curating, organizing, reflecting, and connecting learning experiences, can capture holistic aspects of a student’s life beyond the classroom. ePortfolios can allow for integrating…
[Spring Workshop 2023] (Academic) Integrity and ChatGPT
Thursday June 1, 1:00 – 1:20 Session Description One of the most controversial concerns about ChatGPT in higher education is related to academic integrity. In this short session, I discuss dimensions of (academic) integrity and propose how educators can promote new integrity framework to address some dynamism and complexities when using ChatGPT in teaching. Recording…
[Spring Workshop 2023] Why are we Doing This Again?: Will AI writing tools push us to reconsider the way we assess?
Thursday June 1, 1:30 – 1:50 Session Description AI writing tools, such as ChatGPT, use natural language processing and machine learning, which can generate a wide range of outputs, including text-based responses to prompts, creative writing, translation, summaries, etc. Since ChatGPT was released in November 2022, many academics have expressed their apprehension about this tool.…