In Memory of Irwin DeVries

Irwin DeVries

Irwin DeVries passed away late last month on January 23rd. He was a chair of the ETUG Stewardship Committee in 2001 and 2002, and had a great impact on many in our community over the last few decades.

Irwin was officially connected with the Open Learning Agency, The Justice Institute of BC, Thompson Rivers University and Royal Roads University. Unofficially he made an impact on so many of us in the open education, instructional design and educational technology communities. The Irwin DeVries Scholarship Fund for Open Learning Students has been started at TRU.

Here’s Irwin from 2019 and ETUG’s 25th anniversary.

Here are some thoughts from Brian Lamb

And some more thoughts from Alan Levine

Header image cc licensed via Alan Levine’s Flickr


