At ETUG we’ve been recording most of our Fall and Spring Workshop sessions since the Fall of 2019. There’s a lot of information spread across several themes in this collection. And there’s lots worth diving back into.
Here are the presentations that relate to accessibility.

Luke McKnight Accessibility of AI Interfaces
Ian Linkletter Creating Alt Text with Generative AI
Briana Fraser, Lindsay Tripp & Luke McKnight Reading Lists: A welcome addition to our LMS
Briana Fraser & Luke McKnight Supporting Accessibility Improvements: An intentional and staggered approach

Faeyza Mufti, Jamilee Baroud & Gabrielle Coombs Showcase: Digital literacies and inclusive design practices
Michael Sider Supporting and Increasing Accessibility in Video
Afsaneh Sharif, Natasha Boskic & AC Deger Campus Wide Collaboration for Accessible and Inclusive Design
Luke McKnight LMS Accessibility Orientation

Luke McKnight & Briana Fraser Langara’s Assistive Technologist Project: An Un-siloed approach to improving digital literacy across the institution
Jamie Drozda Why Incorporate Accessible Practice into your Classroom?

Kelly Marjanovic & Mara Chequer Designing for Flexibility in Online Courses