Past Presentations: Generative AI

At ETUG we’ve been recording most of our Fall and Spring Workshop sessions since the Fall of 2019. There’s a lot of information spread across several themes in this collection. And there’s lots worth diving back into.

Here are the presentations that relate to generative artificial intelligence.

John Born Sound by AI: AI-Driven Sound in Education

Gwen Nguyen Enhancing the Human Aspects in Designing Learning with Generative AI

ETUG Fall 2023 Workshop

Luke McKnight Accessibility of AI Interfaces

Ian Linkletter Creating Alt Text with Generative AI

ETUG Spring 2023 Workshop

Gwen Nguyen (Academic) Integrity and ChatGPT

Grace Seo & Traynor Hansen Why are we Doing This Again?: Will AI writing tools push us to reconsider the way we assess?

Susan Bonham, Erin Hagen & Alex Samur Managing the Panic, Highlighting the Opportunities: Generative AI workshops for faculty

Sue Hellman ChatGPT: Foe, friend, or paradigm-shifting challenge

Gwen Nguyen Supporting Students’ Well-Being when Learning with AI

R. John Robertson, Michael J. Paulus Jr., Traynor Hansen & Grace Seo From DX to AI: Developing digital wisdom to respond to the shifting landscape of Higher Education

