[Spring Workshop 2021] Dear Data Research Stick Figure Graphic Novel

9:00 – 9:50 am Friday May 28, 2021

Jessica Motherwell McFarlane

Jessica Motherwell McFarlane, Ph.D. is a counsellor in private practice and professional education consultant on gender, antioppression, indigenization, and other social justice issues. She is an instructor at the Justice Institute of British Columbia where she won the Instructional Excellence award in 2016.

Jessica is also the developer and director of the Life Outside the Box Learning Institute — a JIBC initiative — with curricula designed to use visual narratives (comics) as a way to SEE story, conflict, and injustice from new perspectives.

Session Description

In this session we will explore visual narratives — stick figure comics — that learners’ created to tell the story of their adventures in their individual research project journey. Translating their year end research paper into a visual narratives provided learners with the opportunity to summarize their research project, reflect on what their research results taught them about themselves, and take pride in sharing in the fun of the final graphic novel narration and end-of-term celebration.

Session attendees will have the option to work through a mini-comic, ask questions about the super powers of ‘Comix-Ed” to enhance learning outcomes and assessments, and, — time permitting — we can brainstorm how you can add final four-panel “teach-back” to your own course. This session is designed for your relaxed arrival and leaving. Participate or just watch and enjoy the fun, whatever you wish. BRING a blank sheet of paper and one or more coloured markers.

Recording and Materials



