[Spring Workshop 2024] Institutional Adoption of Blended Courses – A Multi-Year Pilot at SFU

Friday May 10, 9:15 – 10:15

  • Brian Lorraine is an Instructional Designer, Online & Blended Learning at Simon Fraser University

Session Description

From the Spring of 2022 through the end of Fall 2023, SFU piloted the adoption of a new course classification designated for Blended courses. The Centre for Educational Excellence played a key role in supporting instructors with the planning and development of these courses as they navigated a range of technical and pedagogical considerations. Despite the increasingly common refrain that “all learning is blended learning” in the current post-secondary education landscape, it is important to distinguish efforts at formalizing intentional blended/hybrid models. Framed by a mixed methods program evaluation, this session shares key findings from the perspective of teaching/learning centre support of an institution-wide initiative around Blended Learning as an alternative course modality. Given there is significant expectation of an increase in blended/hybrid learning across Canadian post-secondary institutions, while at the same time the sense that only a minority of faculty possess the knowledge and skills to teach effectively in this delivery modality (Johnson, 2023), this session will be of interest to all stakeholders – including instructors, support staff, and leadership – involved in the various aspects of adopting course delivery formats that are new or alternative to what is currently offered.

Session Recording

Session Materials and Files



