student mental health

  • [Spring Workshop 2023] Supporting Students’ Well-Being when Learning with AI

    [Spring Workshop 2023] Supporting Students’ Well-Being when Learning with AI

    Friday June 2, 11:15 – 12:00 Session Description We are all immersed in technology for our social, personal, learning and working needs. Even though general well-being has received attention across higher education due to its inseparable connection to learning, many educators still struggle to have a comprehensive wellness curriculum to help students navigate digital spaces…

  • [Spring Workshop 2023] Navigating Change and “Normalcy” in Online Learning

    [Spring Workshop 2023] Navigating Change and “Normalcy” in Online Learning

    Thursday June 1, 3:40 – 4:00 Session Description This presentation will be a summary of a research project on VCC students’ perspectives on academic integrity, alternative assessments, and stress management. A summary of data will be shown based on a survey of 181 VCC students in February 2023. Highlights will include a discussion of changes…