[Spring Workshop 2024] Looking to the Horizon: Emerging Trends in Post-Secondary Education

Thursday May 9, 9:30-10:00

  • Amanda Coolidge is the Executive Director at BCcampus

Session Description

The landscape of British Columbia’s post-secondary education sector is evolving, shaped by innovative approaches and a commitment to student success. As a leader in navigating these changes, BCcampus advances teaching and learning practices through our understanding of the wider context of post-secondary education and through collaboration with post-secondary institutions and partners in the province.

In advance of a strategic planning retreat at the beginning of the year, I researched emerging trends shaping the future of post-secondary education in B.C. and in the country overall to provide context and frame our thinking. The resulting environmental scan reveals a focus not only on educational structures and practices but also on wider issues of the climate crisis and student wellness. Some trends, like uncertainty around international students and the proliferation of generative artificial intelligence in higher education, are already top of mind for people in the post-secondary sector.

In this session, I will share findings from the environmental scan and discuss ways in which institutions can approach responding to the trends and also share how BCcampus is working towards a strategic approach for the sector.

Session Recording

Session Materials and Files



